Brussels: ETUCE presents current two-years projects at EC meeting


On 28 April 2015, ETUCE presented its two current projects at an annual networking meeting organised by the European Commission (EC) to bring together European and national organisations implementing projects on social dialogue issues. Representatives from more than twenty participating social partner organisations, other labour and employment stakeholders and researchers on industrial relations who are conducting recently kicked-off projects participated in this year's meeting.

ETUCE presented two of its current projects. The promising two-year projects "Social partners promoting decent workplaces in the education sector for a healthier working life" and "European Sectoral Social Partners in Education promoting the potentials of their dialogue through knowledge transfer and training. The ESSDE capacity building project II" were launched the beginning of the year. In the context of its work on the European social dialogue as well as on health and safety, ETUCE conducts the two projects as leading organisation and in close cooperation with its European social partner, the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE). Addressing topics that are of high relevance to teacher unions in Europe, both projects actively involve a large number of ETUCE's national member organisations.

Participants at the meeting listened with great interest to ETUCE's presentations in two different sub-groups. The presentations were followed by active discussions between project promoters on the aims and course of their projects. With this meeting, the EC intends to offer the opportunity to foster mutual learning and possible cooperation possibilities between stakeholders. ETUCE welcomed the idea of the network meeting as an excellent opportunity to promote the dissemination of its own project results and to learn about innovative project methodologies. ETUCE has been participating in each EC networking meeting for project promotors since the introduction of this useful initiative.