New FRA report on the migration situation in the EU


The European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is regularly publishing overviews covering refugees and migrants-related fundamental rights in Europe.

This month’s overview has a section which focuses on the migrant education situation with a number of concrete examples in various countries.

In general, the failure to get access to public education (i.e. to attend regular schools) due to obstacles in assessing skills and qualifications and language barriers were reported. In other cases, lack of advanced educational activities and extra-curricular activities were also mentioned.

ETUCE and its member organisations are committed to migrant and refugee inclusion in education, particularly with the resolution adopted at the ETUCE Conference in 2016 on “Education Trade Unions on the Refugee Situation in Europe: Promoting Education as the Key to Integration and Inclusion”. This is being followed up with the  implementation of the project, in collaboration with EFEE, on European social partners in education promoting migrant and refugee integration.