ETUCE launches call for nominations for The Kounka Damianova Award


During its 2018 spring meeting, the ETUCE Committee endorsed the initiative to introduce The Kounka Damianova Award, an award to be given every four years, during the ETUCE Special Conference, to an ETUCE union member for their outstanding engagement in trade union work in the field of education and the promotion of equality.

The award is named after Ms. Kounka Damianova who led the International Department of the Bulgarian Teachers’ Union (SEB), ETUCE’s member organisation, for many years. Ms. Damianova unexpectedly passed on 4th August 2015. At the time of her passing, she was the Chair of ETUCE’s Standing Committee for Equality and was previously a Vice-President of ETUCE. In addition to her keen interest in equal opportunities work, she was an expert in occupational health and safety issues.

This award will be given for special engagement using a new and innovative approach; a long-standing and continuous engagement in the union work in - among others - the following fields: gender equality and women rights, integration and social inclusion, democratic citizenship, combating extremism, young trade unionists, capacity-building of trade unions; exchange, cooperation and cross-border engagement, peace education, etc.; and a successful initiative that is in process with a sustainable approach, out-reaching to unions in the involved countries.

The receiver of the award should be a trade union member of one of ETUCE’s member organisations and the call is open to all education trade union members regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, special needs or geographic origin.

The award recipient shall be invited to the ETUCE Special Conference as well as to the gala dinner. A prize certificate as well as a 10, 000 € contribution will be granted to the awarded initiative. ETUCE’s member organisations can send their nominations for this award to the ETUCE Secretariat up until 31 August 2018.

The rules for nomination and selection procedure can be found HERE in the call for nominations.
