Raise your voice for a Social Europe!
Published:The European Commission has started in 2015 several consultations with social partners and other stakeholders on the new initiative ‘European Pillar of Social Rights’. Together with several European Trade Union Federations, ETUCE supports the ETUC view and demands regarding this initiative. The ‘Social Rights First!’ action aims at changing the direction of the EU, to make sure that the European Commission’s forthcoming proposals on the European Pillar of Social Rights meet the needs of workers, their families and communities.
The European Commission is at last prepared to listen to workers and citizens and seeks our opinion on how to make Europe more social again.
Social Rights First!
Trade Unions have worked out a plan to put social rights before the interests of big business and banks. Join us and have your say for a Social Europe with:
- Decent work and fairer economics
- Better wages and higher living standards
- New protections for workers and stronger enforcement of existing rights
- Guaranteed equal pay for equal work and an end to exploitation of workers
- Good social protection and strong public services
- Investment for jobs and more secure employment
- Guaranteed trade union rights and respect at work
Support us!
We need as many people as possible to convince the European Commission.
Take action now and make your voice heard until December 31!
Website: Social Rights First!