Preventing psychosocial risks at work: Project film


The short film of the joint ETUCE and EFEE project on “Social Partners Promoting Decent Workplaces in the Education Sector for a Healthier Working Life” summarises the results of this initiative based on the project online survey, four case studies in Romania, Belgium, Germany and Finland, and two training seminars. The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) joint their efforts in this two year project to support the provision of safe and healthy working environments for teachers, school leaders and other education staff of all education levels across Europe.

The film allows you to take a closer look into the specific contexts of the countries that have been examined during the project. Summarising the project results, local teachers and school leaders use the film as a platform to inform education stakeholders about their own experiences of psychosocial hazards and work-related stress in the education sector. Moreover, the film showcases not only some examples of the psychosocial well-being of teachers and school leaders but also offers good practice examples of how schools cope with psychosocial hazards as well as prevent them.