Combating hate crime: Online Compendium of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights


Although hate crime is a violation of human rights and a severe discriminatory act, the majority of hate crimes goes unreported and, subsequently, unprosecuted. The European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) collected thirty good practices on how to combat hate crimes across Europe in an online compendium. FRA included good practice examples of measures from EU countries to combat hate crime, with information on their implementation and evaluation.

With this compendium, FRA aims to assist EU Member States in their encouragement of victims to report these crimes and to ensure that victims have access to justice.
ETUCE and its member organisations condemn every act of hate crime as not reconcilable with one of the core tasks of education: the promotion of values such as equality, tolerance and respect for all individuals, regardless their socio-economic background, gender, religion, belief, ethnicity, age or abilities .
If you want to read more on this topic, you can find the report here.