Solidarity is the cornerstone of the education trade union movement and lays the ground for its unity. In cooperation with the EI head office, the ETUCE member organisations and other European organisations, the ETUCE Secretariat provides support to the member organisations requesting intervention. Depending on the nature of the objectives, the ETUCE Secretariat performs different forms of solidarity work. In cases of emergency or immediate intervention, ETUCE writes protest letters addressed to the social partners, the government or other institutions to support the pressure that member organisations exert at national level.
The Lithuanian Education and Science Trade Union (LESTU) has organised a campaign to support Ukraine in Lithuanian schools. On February 28 LESTU invited teachers of all subjects and leaders of educational institutions to dedicate together their first lesson to Ukraine and its History.
Audrius Jurgelevičius, Deputy Chairperson of LESTU and history teacher, gave a remote history lesson on Ukraine that was broadcasted live online. You can watch the recorded lesson with English subtitles below:
Arrêt immédiat de tous les actes de guerre contre l’Ukraine: Communiqué du SNCS-FSU du 28 février 2022 - Arrêt immédiat de tous les actes de guerre contre l’Ukraine, solidarité avec l'Ukraine, soutien aux scientifiques dans les pays en guerre
🟥 LA CGIL PER LA PACE Con l'invasione dell'#Ucraina da parte della #Russia è partita la mobilitazione della società civile contro una guerra che sta già causando morti e feriti.
Our thoughts remain with teaching colleagues, their students & the people of #Ukraine We stand with the people of Ukraine & Russia who strive for peace, democracy & security.
LIZDA nosūtījusi atbalsta vēstuli Ukrainas Izglītības un zinātnes darbinieku arodbiedrībai, demonstrējot visdziļāko atbalstu un solidaritāti izglītībā un zinātnē strādājošajiem, visai Ukrainas tautai.
I en tid med klimakrise, pandemi og behov for mere international tillid og samarbejde er krig det absolut sidste, der er behov for. Derfor fordømmer DM officielt Ruslands angreb på Ukraine. Læs mere her 👇🏽 #StandWithUkraine#dkpol 🇺🇦🕊
Following the military invasion by the Russian Federation on the Ukraine, that started on the 24 February 2022, millions of people have been displaced fleeing the war zone to the neighbouring countries, majority of them women and children. Most of...
Following the military invasion by the Russian Federation on the Ukraine, that started on the 24 February 2022, millions of people have been displaced fleeing the war zone to the neighbouring countries, the majority of them are women and children....
Following the military invasion by the Russian Federation on the Ukraine, that started on the 24 February 2022, millions of people have been displaced fleeing the war zone to the neighboring countries, majoriy of them women and children. Most of...