The launching of the ESSDE was an historical event as it brought the largest public sector in Europe into the European Social Dialogue system, making the social partners co-legislators for their professional area at European level.

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ESSDE Working Group on Higher Education 2024

ETUCE delegates to the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee met with their counterparts from the employers’ side (EFEE) to discuss matters related to higher education. The meeting particularly focused on the European Commission's proposal for a Recommendation on Attractive and Sustainable Careers in Higher Education (COM(2024) 145 final), which is currently being discussed by member states in the Council of the EU. ETUCE delegates shared their views on the initiative, largely welcoming the proposal’s content, while also emphasising the insufficient recognition of the role of EU social partners in higher education (more information here).

The committee also exchanged views on changing trends in working conditions within higher education, particularly in relation to the impact of the digital transition, and agreed on a timeline for adopting a joint programme of actions between ETUCE and EFEE.

Finally, delegates discussed the implementation of the Online Interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tool, which was jointly developed by ETUCE and EFEE with the EU agency EU-OSHA. This OiRA tool will soon be accessible on the EU-OSHA website. ETUCE and EFEE member organisations are committed to ensuring its effective uptake and adaptation by national authorities into OiRA tools that reflect national specificities and legal requirements.

ESSDE Working Group on General Education 2024

On 5 March ETUCE and EFEE met for the working group of the committee of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue for Education (ESSDE) and adopted a Joint Statement on the organisation of the ESSDE and on post-Val Duchesse Summit. In this declaration, the education social partners stress the importance of the political and organisational support that the European Commission provides to sectoral social dialogue and the crucial role that social partners have in representing the specificities of the education sector.

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ESSDE plenary meeting 2023

At the plenary meeting of the European sectoral social dialogue committee for education on 14 December 2023, ETUCE and EFEE adopted their joint Work Programme for the period 2024-2026. The agreement was reached after a lively negotiation between trade union and employer representatives about the importance of ensuring more public investments in education and the impact of high work overload and intensification of teachers’ working hours.

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ESSDE working group on general education 2023

The European social partners in education, ETUCE representing teachers in Europe and EFEE, the federation of education employers, held their General Education Working Group meeting on 15 March 2023. The delegates debated about inclusive education and committed to the revision of the multi-sectoral guidelines on third-party violence to which ETUCE and EFEE are signatories.

ETUCE members Harald Skulberg (UEN, Norway) and John MacGabhann (TUI, Ireland), highlighted the importance of appropriate inclusion and diversity strategies in schools and other education institutions to ensure quality education for increasingly diverse student audiences.  Inclusive classrooms have become more important for education institutions, not at least against the backdrop of the 2030 Agenda’s principle of ‘leaving-no-one-behind’ (SDG 4 – Education). Education trade unions demand increasing public funding to ensure a balanced teacher-to-student ratio as well as initial training and continuous professional development free of charge and within working hours to help teachers gain the necessary skills.

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ESSDE plenary meeting 2022

On Wednesday 14 December, the ETUCE and EFEE delegates to the European Sectoral Social Dialogue for Education (ESSDE) gathered in Brussels for the plenary meeting of the committee. The delegates discussed on several topics of high importance to European trade unions and employers in the education sector. The European Commission presented the main strands of work composing the ongoing review of the EU social dialogue and the delegates expressed their serious concerns about some of the proposals advanced by the Commission, particularly the revision of the funding system for the sectoral social dialogue and the new procedure for the transposition of Social Partners Agreements (SPAs) into European legislation. The delegates pointed out the importance of having in place a transparent and accountable system that ensures the respect of the spirit and content of SPAs, thus limiting as much as possible any external political interference.

The delegates then exchanged with the representative of DG EAC, who presented the recently published final report on "Quality investment in education and training", which remains largely in line with the text of interim report issued earlier this year. ETUCE and EFEE delegates expressed their disappointment regarding the conclusions of the report, especially for the omission regarding the essential role of social partners in policy-making, and the overall rationale of the report – merely focused on a cost-benefit analysis but often overlooking the pedagogical dimension of education. They therefore reiterated the committee's views as already expressed in the previous joint statement of 8 March 2022.

The presentation of the European Year of Skills 2023 was welcomed by delegates, who nevertheless pointed out the surprising lack of attention paid to the education sector, to teachers' working conditions, and to the importance of public investment in education, while the whole initiative seems to be mainly labour market-oriented. Check here the views of ETUCE on the Year of Skills”. 

Following these presentations the delegates from trade unions and employer organisations discussed on the draft paper on the attractiveness of the teaching profession, which had been prepared in the frame of the joint project dedicated to this essential issue (here more information about this project). The delegates presented several amendments and comments to the text that will be further discussed and finalised during the project's conclusive conference in Warsaw on 30-31 January 2023.

Finally, the delegates agreed on including in the agenda of the next ESSDE working group meeting on 15 March a discussion point about conferring to ETUCE and EFEE Secretariats the mandate to engage in negotiations with other European sectoral social partners on the revision and update of the multi-sectoral "Guidelines on tackling third-party violence and harassment related to work", signed by the two organisations in 2011.

ETUCE and EFEE meet for their working group meeting on general education

On 08 March 2022, delegates from European education trade unions and education employers met for the ESSDE Working Group to discuss:

  • recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Education (in terms of innovation, changes in pedagogical approach, lesson learnt, governance);
  • Enhancing and promoting gender equality in and through education as a contribution to economic, social, and education recovery;
  • Debating education social partner input to the Interim Report of the European Commission Expert Group on Quality Investments in Education and Training.

At the very beginning of the discussion, ETUCE and EFEE adopted a joint public message on the war in Ukraine, denouncing the Russian aggression and calling for solidarity with Ukrainian people.

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The 2021 ESSDE Plenary: a joint effort in digitalisation, implementation of OiRA tools, Lifelong Learning for all 

Social dialogue country-delegates from ETUCE and the EFEE, along with the two secretariats, met in Brussels on 15 December 2021 for the Plenary meeting of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education. They set out their plans for the coming years and committed to concrete policy priorities and joint activities.  The European Commission’s DG Employment presented the ongoing Review of sectoral social dialogue at EU level, followed by the DG EAC (Education, Youth, Sport and Culture) that shared the Commission report on how to recruit, train and motivate qualified staff in Early Childhood Education and Care and a keynote speech on ensuring qualitative and sustainable investment in education in the time of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, sharing some of the key findings of the Commission’s Expert Group on quality investment in education. The plenary was the opportunity for the delegates to evaluate the work of the ESSDE over the last two years, before discussing for adoption the 2022-2023 Work Programme, which tackles new and future challenges and offers a long-term vision for their joint action. 

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Social partners discussed recovery in higher education and research

On 17 June 2021, the Working Group on Higher Education and Research of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue for Education formed of representatives of the European Sectoral Social Partners in Education – ETUCE and EFEE – met online. They discussed the challenges and opportunities for recovery in higher education and research considering the lessons learnt from the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as investment and changing trends in university, and the digital transition and their impact on the working condition and management of higher education and research. The meeting was attended by 21 member organisations of higher education and research staff and employers from the EFEE and ETUCE membership.

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ESSDE Working Group discusses education priorities in the Recovery and Resilience Plans and environmental challenges

On 9 March 2021, the Working Group composed by representatives of the European Social Partners in Education – ETUCE and EFEE – met online to discuss education reforms and investments within the Recovery and Resilience Plans, as well as to share views on the contribution of education to tackle the climate emergency. Although education is widely acknowledged as a key priority for a sustainable recovery, both the delegations denounced a lack of meaningful consultations at national level and addressed the European Commission with a call to set up clear criteria to ensure that sectoral social partners’ views are reflected in the national Recovery and Resilience Plans. Education social partners also shared views on the role of education to address the climate emergency. Both the integration of climate change into national curricula, and ensuring initial and continuous professional development of teachers, trainers and school leaders are jointly recognised as crucial to ensure informed discussions with students about the multifaceted nature of the climate crisis. 

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ESSDE partners demand strengthened participation in the European Education Area 2025 and follow-up on joint actions for sustainable education in times of Covid-19

On 20 October 2020, education social partners delegations met online for the annual ESSDE Plenary meeting. They conducted a mid-term evaluation of the Work Programme 2020-2021 and set out the main priorities for the upcoming year: attractiveness of the teaching profession, investments in education and public-private developments, education and environment, and innovation in education. The social partners also exchanged with the European Commission on the initiatives to achieve the goals set for quality education and training by 2025, demanding to be actively engaged in the European Education Area 2025 governance. The social partners also discussed the implementation of their joint statement on the impact of Covid-19 adopted in June 2020. Read more

  • Joint ETUCE-EFEE Statement on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on sustainable education systems at times of crisis and beyond (June 2020)

ESSDE Working Group discusses the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic in education in Europe

On 22 June 2020, the European Social Partners for Education met online for the ESSDE Working Group. The focus of the meeting was on tackling the crisis and dealing with education’s challenges and opportunities provided by the innovative teaching methods implemented particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as their impacts on teachers’ working conditions and students’ inclusion. Representatives of ETUCE and of the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) discussed a joint statement on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on sustainable education systems at times of crisis and beyond. The statement addresses issues of social dialogue, employment and working conditions, occupational health and safety, professional development and access to training, equality and inclusion, and opportunities for innovation. It also addresses the needs of specific sectors such as Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education, and calls on the European institutions and policy makers to commit to an extraordinary public investment plan on education systems to ensure their sustainability. Read more

ESSDE Working Group on Higher Education and Research

On 12 February 2020, Higher Education-specialised members of ETUCE and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) met in Brussels for the yearly Working Group on Higher Education and Research. They addressed topics including the place of teaching in academic careers, developments in EU higher education policy and the importance of academic freedom and integrity. Important issues such as career pathways, and quality of teaching and research were addressed. Outcomes of the discussion will feed joint activities on quality of academic teaching and management. Read more

ESSDE Plenary adopts Joint ETUCE/EFEE Declarations on the Effective Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Education and on Common Values Inclusive Schools

On 2 December 2019, the European Sectoral Social Dialogue on Education (ESSDE) Plenary meeting took place in Brussels. Denis Crowley, head of unit of DG EAC for Country Analysis presented and discussed with participants the Education and Training Monitor 2019, including progress towards the targets of the Education and Training 2020 strategic framework and measures undertaken to address education-related issues as part of the European Semester. National country delegates from ETUCE and EFEE received an overview of current joint projects and activities developed under the frame of the ESSDE Work Programme 2018-19. The Plenary adopted the Joint Guidelines as well as the Quality Framework on the Effective Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Education and the Joint Statement on Multiculturalism, Democratic Citizenship and Social Inclusion in Education. Moreover, building on the achievements so far and the capacity building needs identify, the priorities for the next work programme were discussed and priorities areas were decided on. The meeting concluded with a renewed commitment for collaboration between the social partners and highlighting the way the Dialogue has taken since it was set up first. Read more


ESSDE Working Group on Innovation and Inclusion

On 24 June 2019, The European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education Working Group on topics of the current ESSDE Work Programme reunited in Brussels to focus on issues of interest related to innovation and inclusion in education. Participants discussed the role of school leaders and teachers in facilitating innovation in schools. They had the chance to understand the impact of AI and learning analytics in education by receiving an update on the research conducted by KU Leuven on these matters. Social partners considered the dangers of cyber harassment in the context of the digitalisation of the profession as well. Participants exchanged on the role of education and social partners in promoting inclusion and common values, civic education, intercultural dialogue and democratic citizenship to combat all forms of intolerance and social exclusion. Read more

ESSDE Working Group meeting on Higher Education and Research

On 25 February 2019, the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education Higher Education and Research Working Group reunited in Brussels. Participants exchanged on quality teaching and learning in higher education and research across Europe, discussing the impacts of precarious employment and of prioritisation of research over teaching. They also addressed the gaps and social partners’ needs for building capacity to achieve effective collegial governance and social dialogue at all levels. Based on examples of challenges and best practices from the local, national and European level, social partners identified a declining culture of collegiality across Europe, a weakened legislative underpinning of collective bargaining and reduced resources for social partners to organise and exercise leadership due to the economic crisis’ impacts. The social partners renewed their commitment to address the most urgent policy issues that are common across Europe, and to further build up their structural and institutional capacity to be able to effectively participate in social dialogue and policymaking at both national and European level. The Working Group represented also an opportunity for the social partners to discuss a Draft Joint ETUCE/EFEE Declaration on Enhancing the role of education social partners in the next Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe. Read more

ESSDE Plenary adopts Joint ETUCE/EFEE Declaration Towards a Framework of Action on the attractiveness of the teaching profession

On 19 November 2018, the European Sectoral Social Dialogue on Education Plenary meeting took place in Brussels. The meeting provided an overview of the current and future joint projects and activities developed under the frame of the current ESSDE Work Programme 2018-2019. The attractiveness of VET and apprenticeships, the recruitment, retention and development of teaching professions, as well as the attractiveness of the teaching profession were discussed as the delegates shared national experiences and good practices. The meeting concluded with a renewed commitment for collaboration between the social partners, and with the adoption of the Joint ETUCE/EFEE Declaration Towards the attractiveness of the teaching profession which reflected the engagement of delegates to develop capacities to address and to identify common solutions as regards the many challenges that the teaching profession is facing. Read more


  • Joint ETUCE/EFEE Declaration Towards the attractiveness of the teaching profession
  • Joint report European Sectoral Social Partners in Education striving for sustainable influence on European education policy building through successful social dialogue. The ESSDE capacity building project III

ESSDE Working Group meeting on Higher Education and Research

On 24 September 2018, the European Sectoral Social Dialogue on Education Higher Education and Research Working Group took place in Brussels. The meeting addressed the future of the Bologna Process, the usage of digital tools in modernizing higher education, the importance of supportive working environments, the patterns of recruitment and retention of staff in European higher education, and the future of funding for higher education given the new proposals for Erasmus+, Horizon Europe and University-Business Partnerships. Representatives of both social partners’ delegations shared national experiences and good practices related to creating supporting working environments, equality in recruitment and retention programmes, employment terms and conditions, and funding issues in higher education and research. The detrimental effects of public-private partnerships on society and working conditions of academic staff were raised. The meeting concluded with a renewed commitment for collaboration between the social partners in higher education and research. Read more

ESSDE Working Group meeting on education in the digital era and investment

On 27 April 2018, the Working Group meeting of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE) took place in Brussels. The meeting addressed the need for digital skills for students and teachers for inclusive education, the use of European Social Funds (ESF) on education and training, and the overall Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF) post-2020 as a key tool for Europe to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) by 2030. Representatives from both the social partners’ delegations discussed and shared national experiences and good practices on the topics of the new Work Programme 2018-2019 and agreed to continue to jointly monitor the forthcoming proposal for EU funds 2021-2027 against sustainability and equity key targets, as well as to ensure that EU funds on education and training effectively contribute to quality education in a 2030 perspective. Read more

ESSDE Plenary adopts joint Statement on Vocational Education and Training and negotiates new ESSDE Work Programme 2018-2019

On 23 November 2017, in the framework of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE) annual Plenary meeting, ETUCE and EFEE Plenary members met to discuss and to negotiate the joint Work Programme for the period 2018-2019 and to assess the outcomes of the ESSDE Work Programme 2016-2017. ETUCE and EFEE delegates had the chance to react to the presentation of the European Commission, DG Education and Culture to the new initiative on the European Education Area 2015, unveiled by the European leaders in the course of the European Social Summit held in Gothenburg in November 2017. Following the works held during the ESSDE Working Group meeting in September 2017, the ESSDE plenary delegates successfully adopted a Joint ETUCE/EFEE Statement on improving Vocational Education and Training on the role of social partners in tackling the arising challenges in the VET sector, with a particular focus on ensuring high quality VET and providing support for teachers, trainers, school leaders and other education personnel of the sector. Read more

Joint ETUCE/EFEE Statement on improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training in Europe

ESSDE Working Group meeting on VET and Apprenticeship, Inclusive education and the European Semester

On 25 September 2017, the European Education Social Partners – ETUCE and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) gathered in Brussels to conduct their Working Group meeting dedicated to relevant topics of their joint European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE) work programme for the years 2016 and 2017. The meeting focused on Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Apprenticeship, school development and inclusive education, and the European Semester on education and training. Representatives from both the social partners’ delegations were able to identify common challenges faced by education workers and education employer organisations on these issues, share good practice and national experiences, and elaborate solutions with sufficient common ground for consensus. In particular, the meeting was the occasion to successfully feed in with the expert content from participants a draft joint ETUCE/EFEE statement on improving the quality of VET in Europe, to be put forward for adoption during the upcoming plenary session of the ESSDE on 23 November 2017. Read More

ESSDE Working Group meeting on Higher Education and Research

On 31 March 2017, the European Education Social Partners – ETUCE and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) gathered in Brussels to conduct their annual Working Group meeting dedicated to Higher Education and Research, within the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE). The meeting focused on Gender Equality, Geographical and Employment Mobility and in Higher Education and Research. The role of the education social partners in addressing gender imbalances in the academic career and in contributing to supportive environments for mobile professors and researchers in higher education and research was discussed. The outcome of the discussions feeds in and contributes to the joint work of the European Sectoral Social Partners in Education. Read more

ESSDE Plenary meeting adopts joint texts on the social dialogue promotion and the prevention of Psychosocial Hazards in the Education Sector

On 08 November 2016  European Education Social Partners - ETUCE and European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) gathered in Brussels to conduct their annual Plenary Meeting within the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE). The topics discussed included recent trends in open and innovative education, including digital skills. ETUCE delegates highlighted their concern about ICT being used as a vehicle for commercialisation in and of education. The changes for the teaching profession in the digital were discussed. Three joint text were successfully adopted by the Plenary, namely: The Joint ETUCE/EFEE Statement on Promoting the potentials of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education, the Joint ETUCE/EFEE Declaration on Preventing and Combating Psychosocial Hazards in the Education Sector and the Joint Practical Guidelines on  How to Promote Joint Social Partner Initiatives at European, National, Regional and Local Level to Prevent and Combat Psychosocial Hazards in Education. These texts are the outcome of two years of joint activities on social dialogue and capacity building as well as on healthy workplaces for education personnel. Read more


  • Joint EFEE/ETUCE Statement on Promoting the potentials of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education
  • Joint report European Sectoral Social Partners in Education promoting the potentials of their dialogue through  knowledge transfer and training. The ESSDE capacity building project II
  • Joint ETUCE/EFEE Declaration on Preventing and Combating Psychosocial Hazards in the Education Sector
  • Joint Practical Guidelines on How to Promote Joint Social Partner Initiatives at European, National, Regional and Local Level to Prevent and Combat Psychosocial Hazards in Education

ESSDE Working Group meeting on migrants’ integration and the role of social partners in preventing the radicalization of young people

On 30 September 2016, the European Sectoral Social Dialogue on Education Working Group took place in Brussels. European sectoral social partners in education discussed three main issues. Firstly, how they can contribute to facilitate migrants’ integration in the education and the socio-economic environment of the host country. Secondly, the Paris Declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education, and the role of social partners in preventing and combating the radicalization of young people in education. And, finally, the new Skills Agenda for Europe of the European Commission, was discussed. The meeting offered a fruitful platform for exchange of practices among the several delegates of ETUCE and EFEE, for mutual learning and for posing questions and comments, as well as for underlining critical aspects of European Commission’s initiatives. Read more

ESSDE Working Group meeting on Higher Education and Research on public/private developments in higher education and research

On 3 June 2016, the European Education Social Partners – ETUCE and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) gathered in Brussels to conduct their annual Working Group meeting dedicated to Higher Education and Research, within the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE). The meeting focused on public-private developments in education. Working group members had the chance to learn about European Commission’s initiatives fostering public-private partnership in higher education and research (e.g. Juncker’s Investment Plan) and expressed concerned about the potential threat to privatisation and commercialisation of education.

ESSDE Plenary meeting adopts new work programme for 2016-2017

On 16 February 2016, ETUCE and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) conducted their annual plenary meeting 2015 within the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE).  As every year, delegates learned about the work results made and exchanged their views on the future work following up on these achievements. This meeting also offered an occasion again to learn more about other European processes and projects with relevance for the education sector. The core issue of the meeting though was clearly the new ESSDE work programme 2016/17. In January 2016, the ESSDE steering group members looked into the ESSDE delegates’ proposals and elaborated a draft programme which was submitted to delegates of the plenary group. Following a very lively and fruitful debate  on proposals for modifications, the delegates agreed finally to adopt the new work programme. Read more


  • Joint declaration on School leadership (2015)
  • Report Professional Autonomy, Accountability and Efficient Leadership and the role of employers’ organisations, trade unions and school leaders

ESSDE Working Group on Higher Education and Research addresses the needs of early career researchers

On 14 December 2015, the European Education Social Partners – ETUCE and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) gathered in Brussels to conduct their annual Working Group meeting dedicated to Higher Education and Research. The meeting addressed the European agenda on modernizing higher education. The outcomes of the joint project on Supporting Early Career Researchers in Higher Education in Europe were presented, highlighting the main challenges for early career researchers (ECR) and possible actions to address these, and pointing to a number of actions that could be undertaken by social partners in this respect. Read more


  • Joint Report Supporting Early Career Researchers in Higher Education in Europe: The Role of Employers and Trade Unions (February 2015)
  • Joint Declaration EFEE/ETUCE on Supporting early career researchers in Higher Education in Europe (January 2015)

ESSDE Working Group meeting Education in support of employment and Apprenticeship

On 9 March 2015, the European Sectoral Social Dialogue on Education Working Group took place in Brussels. European sectoral social partners in education discussed how could education support employment needs and the role of the education social partners in contributing to quality apprenticeships and VET sector.


ESSDE Plenary on the social dialogue promotion and education and employment

On 6 November 2014, the European Sectoral Social Dialogue on Education Plenary meeting took place in Brussels to discuss the strengthened cooperation between the European Commission’s education and training services and the European social partners in the field, including the ET2020 stocktaking. Social partners discussed the future priorities for Education and Training 2020. Delegates were presented the outcomes of two joint projects leading to joint ESSDE joint texts on supporting early career researchers and on professional autonomy, accountability and efficient leadership (EFEE-led).


  • Joint declaration ETUCE/EFEE on School Leadership (2015)
  • Joint Report Professional Autonomy, Accountability and Efficient Leadership and the role of employers’ organisations, trade unions and school leaders (2015)
  • Joint declaration EFEE/ETUCE: The contribution of sectoral social dialogue to the strengthening of social dialogue (2015)
  • Joint Survey Report: Promoting the potentials of the European sectoral social dialogue in education by addressing new challenges and exploring experience and knowledge (2014)

ESSDE Working Group on Higher Education and Research on supporting early career researchers in Europe

On 29 September 2014, the ESSDE Working Group on Higher Education and research overviewed the work done in the course of the joint project on “Supporting early career researchers in higher education in Europe”. They also shared viewed on the European Commission initiative on the Modernisation of Higher Education.

ESSDE Working Group on the promotion on Lifelong learning and schools of the 21st century

On 4 April 2014, the Working Group meeting of the European education social partners discussed the European Area of Skills and Qualification, and the survey on the implementation of the Joint Guidelines on Trans-regional cooperation in Lifelong learning among education stakeholders.

In 2012-2013 the ESSDE dealt with recruitment and retention in the education sector; the role of the social partners in enhancing the status and attractiveness of the teaching profession in times of economic crisis, produced several reports and agreed on five joint texts:

  • Analysis of an online survey of social partners in education The status and attractiveness of the teaching profession in times of the economic crisis as a key task for social partners in education. Finding joint strategies to tighten the links between education and the labour market (2013)
  • Joint declaration on the promotion of self-evaluation of schools and teachers (2013)
  • Joint report on self-evaluation of Schools and Teachers (2013, EFEE-led) Executive Summary FRExecutive Summary DE
  • Technical report of EFEE-ETUCE survey on Recruitment and Retention in the Education sector (2012)
  • Joint recommendations on Recruitment and retention in the Education sector: a matter of social dialogue (2012)
  • Joint Statement on Professional Qualifications Directive

The topic of tackling third-party violence was addressed jointly by the European social partners. During 2010-2011, the European social partners in Education worked together on projects focusing on specific topics such as teachers' work-related stress: European-wide Survey—Assessment, Comparison and Evaluation of the Impact of Psychosocial Factors on Teachers at their Workplace in the and the Promotion, awareness –raising and dissemination of the multi-sectoral guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harassment related to work.


  • How to Prevent and Mitigate Third-Party Violence and Harassment in Schools. Implementation Guide for the Education Sector of the Multi-Sectoral Guidelines to Tackle Third-Party Violence and Harassment Related to Work (2013)
  • Joint report from the Social Partners in the Education sector on the Implementation of the Multi-Sectoral Guidelines to Tackle Third-Party Violence and Harassment Related to Work (2013)
  • Joint Brochure Third-Party Violence: Research, Assessment and Knowledge Sharing (2012)

During 2010-2011, the European social partners in Education also worked together on two projects focusing on:

  • Trans-regional cooperation in lifelong learning among education stakeholders
  • Leadership and Governance in Schools as instruments for improving student results and preparing them for lifelong learning (EFEE-led)

And in 2010-2011 the ESSDE agreed on two joint texts:

  • Joint Guidelines on Trans-regional cooperation in Lifelong Learning among education stakeholders
  • Agreement on Joint Guidelines on Trans-regional cooperation in Lifelong Learning among education stakeholders

At their first ESSDE Plenary meeting, the European Social Partners in Education adopted the joint Declaration on "Investments in the Future – A joint declaration on education, training and research", which states that public and private spending on education is an investment in the future, and that EU Member States should refrain from cutbacks on education. The joint Declaration was a mile stone as it was the first to be adopted by the Social Partners in Education.


At the second meeting of the ESSDE in January 2011 the European social partners in Education set up three working groups (WGs) on specific topics:

WG1: Quality in Education

WG2: The Demographic challenges

WG3: Higher Education and Research