The impact of ChatGPT on the teaching profession


ChatGPT, the recently launched generative artificial intelligence-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI has sparked numerous debates in the education sector. Topics range from students` assessment to intellectual property rights and to the evolving role of the teaching profession. On 21 March 2023, ETUCE Committee members engaged in a lively discussion concerning the impact of ChatGPT on the working conditions of teachers, academics, and other education personnel.

Building on the ETUCE Resolution on Artificial Intelligence (2021) and other education trade unions' policies on artificial intelligence and digitalisation at European level, the ETUCE Committee adopted a position summarising the key demands of education trade unions on the impact of ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence on the teaching profession. In its position paper, ETUCE:

  • urges education institutions and education authorities at local, national and European level to seriously engage in concrete social dialogue with education professionals and education trade unions to address the impact of generative Artificial Intelligence such as ChatGPT on the working conditions of the education personnel;
  • requests governments and education authorities to include generative AI models such as ChatGPT within the scope of existing and upcoming regulations on the use of Artificial Intelligence.;
  • demands that upcoming AI legislation, such as the EU Artificial Intelligence Act, require developers to declare that their datasets were obtained legally and be held liable for any copyright violations. Additionally, generative AI systems should include better safeguards to protect against copyright violations, such as improved reference systems and timely deletion of infringing material;
  • demands that initial education and continuous professional development truly equip teachers, academics and other education personnel to address the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence both in their working conditions and educational pedagogies. Such training should be easily accessible free of charge in working time and continuously updated in accordance with education workers’ needs; and
  • calls on governments and education authorities to foster opportunities for discussion with education trade unions on the impact of Artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT on teachers, academics, researchers and other education personnel from the perspective of working conditions and attractiveness and status of the teaching profession.

ETUCE will continue to closely monitor the developments of artificial intelligence in education and support its member organisations to ensure that digital technologies, including AI systems, are implemented to benefit quality education and respond to the professional needs of teachers, academics and other education personnel.

Read more:

ETUCE Position on the impact of ChatGPT and other generative Artificial Intelligence on the teaching profession.

ETUCE Resolution on Artificial Intelligence (2021).