Italy: Education trade unions initiate a Palermo event “Teachers Pride”


In the run-up to the nation -wide event “Teachers Pride” initiated by ETUCE member organisations in Italy and that is taking place tomorrow on 24 May 2019  in Palermo, ETUCE strongly supported diligent efforts made by its member organisations to defend teachers’ professional autonomy.

In their communication, ETUCE member organisations in Italy emphasised: “Critical spirit, capacity for analysis and reading world facts are the objectives that students should obtain in their studies to become active citizens who are aware of their rights and obligations and live and use their rights”.

ETUCE echoed the Italian education trade unions appeals, to among other things:

  • guarantee pluralism;
  • defend professional prerogatives;
  • protect fundamental freedoms;
  • establish an independent body with tasks of evaluating the correct exercise of the freedom of teaching and of protecting individual and collective professional autonomy.

Professional autonomy for teachers and other education personnel to manage diversity is essential for a thriving and vibrant society. Together with our Italian member organisations we strongly denounce attacks on teachers and on freedom of teaching”, stated Susan Flocken.