Celebrating the international day of persons with disabilities


Celebrating the international day of the persons with disabilities, ETUCE is analysing the chapter of education and training in the new EU disability strategy post-2020. Some of the key points under revision are:

  • Emphasising that employers should meet the needs of persons with disabilities by taking into account the possible benefits of new technologies in areas such as seeking work personal development and more independence.
  • Calling on the European Commission and the Member States to remove legal, physical and organisational barriers for all persons with disabilities in order to guarantee inclusive education and lifelong learning systems.
  • Highlighting the importance of initial training and continuous professional development for education personnel to be able to better support persons with complex needs.
  • Suggesting making better use of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education.
  • Highlighting the need to bridge the digital gap and to ensure that persons with disabilities benefit fully from the Digital Union.

ETUCE emphasises the importance of inclusive education for young people and children with disabilities, as stipulated in the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). By providing access to good quality education, people with disabilities are given the opportunity to improve their economic situation which in turn can give a positive impetus to their political and social life. Thus, it is crucial that EU Member States improve their legal framework and that education institutions receive more support to help increase educational opportunities of teachers and students with disabilities to create a more inclusive education.

To learn more about the ETUCE position on ‘Inclusiveness and special educational needs’, please click here.

You can also find the new Education International report on ‘Rethinking disability: A primer for educators and education trade unions’.