New LGBT educational and didactic materials from FeSP-UGT and FE.CCOO to celebrate the 2018 LGBT week in Spain


Coinciding with the LGTBI Pride Week 2018 in Spain, ETUCE Spanish member organisations, FeSP-UGT and FE.CCOO, have launched their respective 2018 LGBTI campaigns.

FeSP-UGT is launching the campaign “28J FeSP UGT CON MUCHO ORGULLO – espacios libres de LGTBIfobia / With pride – spaces free from LGTBIphobia, with a special focus on transexual visibility. It includes posters for display in workplace; recommendations to include LGBT rights in collective bargaining, and an awareness-raising- video. Noteworthy in particular is the FeSP-UGT magazine ‘Karisina’ (June 2018) which advises on the promotion and respect of transsexual visibility both in formal and non-formal education in education institutions:

Conduct awareness-training activities on sexual diversity. Dedicate reflection time aimed at visualising and integrating existing sexual diversity in the classroom. Use the name and gender indicated and communicated by the student or by his/her family, both in school activities and in extracurricular activities, including exams. Adjust the administrative documentation of internal use in the school (class listings, library cards, ID student cards...) to the sex with which the person feels identified. Ensure that the person concerned can get access and use the school spaces according to his/her sexual preference (toilets, sportive facilities, etc.) aimed at avoiding sexual segregation and preserving the safety and privacy of the person concerned.

Giving continuity to the previous campaign, the full 2018 FeSP-UGT campaign material can be downloaded here.

In parallel, FE.CCOO has recently launched new didactic materials to promote ‘deconstruction of the school by promoting diversity” targeted to schools and educational establishments.

2018 FE.CCOO campaign can be followed here.

ETUCE supports both FeSP-UGT and FE.CCOO 2018 LGBTI campaigns, in particular to raise awareness and combat homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools and in workplaces, towards LGBT students and teachers and other educational personnel.