European Commission: Say NO to violence against women


Despite of the EU signing the international Convention on preventing and combating violence against women in 2017, sexual and physical violence and psychological abuse against women is still happening across the EU on everyday basis. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the European Commission released a video Some voices cannot be heard, yours can aimed to raise awareness about everyday violence against women among those who overlook it or consider it harmless or normal, and to encourage people to speak out against it.

The video is part of the campaign NON.NO.NEIN. (using the hashtag #SayNoStopVAW) launched by the European Commission last year. The campaign draws attention to the work done by a variety of stakeholders across the EU on fighting violence against women, and creates a platform for dissemination of good practice and connecting stakeholders across borders.

ETUCE strongly supports the fight against gender-based violence and believes that education trade unions have a decisive role in tackling violence against women at work, at school, and at home.