ETUCE is an Official Campaign Partner of the “2017 Healthy Workplaces for All Ages Campaign”


Within the European Pillar of Social Rights and in the era of digitalisation and active ageing, highest occupational safety and health standards have become more crucial than ever for teachers and other education personnel. For ETUCE and its member organisations, in particular, preventing and combating psychosocial risks and hazards in the education sector, such as work-related stress, is important and has led to the 2016 ETUCE-EFEE Joint Declaration.

As in previous EU-OSHA campaigns, ETUCE has recently been granted the status of Official Campaign Partner, and is now taking part in the “2017 Healthy Workplaces for All Ages” campaign, which has four key objectives:

  1. Promoting sustainable work and healthy ageing from the start of the working life;
  2. Preventing health problems throughout the working life;
  3. Providing ways for employers and workers to manage occupational safety and health in the context of an ageing workforce;
  4. And encouraging the exchange of information and good practice.

ETUCE is committed to making the key role of education trade unions visible in promoting decent workplaces in the education sector for a healthier working life and contributes to relevant activities and events within this important EU-OSHA campaign, for example, by participating in the ‘European Week for Safety and Health at Work’ (envisaged in October 2017).

In particular, ETUCE continues to advocate for the safety and health of education personnel, by promoting highest safety standards and healthy workplaces throughout the whole working life of teachers and education personnel in education institutions in the framework of this campaign.