Moldova: ESTUFM’s continuous fight for decent salaries in the education sector
Published:The Education and Science Trade Union Federation of Moldova, ESTUFM, reported that after two months of negotiations on increasing salaries of auxiliary teaching and non-teaching staff, the Moldovan government officials suggested to increase the salaries of the latter by only 100 Lei (MDL) (4,8 EUR).
Highly concerned about the future of the teaching profession in the country, ESTUFM decided to protest against low salaries in the education sector in front of the Government buildings and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova yesterday and today, 24 March 2017.
ETUCE strongly supports its member organisation and calls upon the Moldovan government to make meaningful and constructive proposals and take the necessary steps towards ensuring both decent working conditions and the recruitment and retention of education personnel in Moldova.
Susan Flocken, European Director, said “The negotiations should lead to a meaningful outcome for decent working conditions in education that allows the country to truly confront the problems of the low attractiveness of the teaching profession, the drift of qualified teachers towards financially more rewarding professions in the private industry and the brain drain that the country is witnessing”.
ETUCE wishes that both partners return to the negotiation table to find a constructive solution that is beneficial both for education personnel and students in Moldova.