National Roma Integration Strategies


Since the adoption of the European Commission of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies in 2011, all EU Member States have developed and implemented strategies or measures to integrate Roma in their societies. On 28 June 2016, the European Commission published its annual report on Roma integration. For the first time, the European Commission was able to provide an overview and assessment of national Roma integration strategies. The report shows that, although progress has been achieved in numerous areas, including education, much more work needs to be done. Anti-gypsyism and hate crime are still, sadly enough, widespread in some EU Member States.

In the area of education, the report highlights different topics that member states need to address such as promoting access to and quality of early childhood education and care, promoting inclusive teaching and learning methods and fighting early school leaving.

Member organisations of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) play a critical part in the integration of Roma in the education sector. ETUCE calls on its member organisations to further combat Roma-discrimination and to keep up their good efforts regarding these issues. To abandon anti-gypsyism, hate crime and hate speech a persistent political will to promote equality is necessary.

Read up on the European Commission’s annual report on Roma integration here.